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Articles Posted in Long Beach DUI Defense Attorney


Long Beach DUI News Update: Sad Case of South Beach’s Party Princess Takes Quirky Turn…

In a recent Long Beach DUI post, we told the terrible story of 20-year-old Karlie Tomica, a self-described “party princess” in South Beach who allegedly hit and killed a chef while under the influence then fled the scene of the accident. Tomica’s story made national headlines for many reasons. It…


When Someone You Love Refuses to Get Help After a Long Beach DUI

You are at your wits’ end and also very sad. Someone you love dearly recently got arrested for DUI in Long Beach, and that person — at least to you — seems to be living in denial. As you are no doubt aware, after you get arrested and charged according…


Glendale DUI News Update — South Florida’s “Party Princess” Hit With DUI Manslaughter Charge in Death of Chef

Hopefully your Glendale DUI accident and/or arrest was not nearly as horrendous as was 20-year-old Karlie Tomica’s. The South Beach, Florida bartender recently pled not guilty to DUI manslaughter charges stemming from the hit-and-run death of Stefano Riccioletti, a chef at the local Shore Club. The Circuit Judge in the…


Did You Try to Bribe Your Way Out of Your Los Angeles DUI? Hopefully Not! Look What Happened to This 24-Year Old…

When you got pulled over on suspicion of driving under the influence in Long Beach, you felt terrible and scared. You can be forgiven if you allowed yourself to envision doing “something, anything” to escape the charges, the humiliation, and the punishment. But there is a difference between thinking such…


Parallels Between Your Long Beach DUI Arrest and the Meteorite That Blew Up Over Russia’s Ural Mountains

Why on Earth would you want to waste time reading or thinking about a meteorite explosion, when you have a serious Long Beach DUI charge on your hands, and your freedom and future literally hang in the balance? There’s a good reason why. Many defendants, who face charges like driving…


Long Beach DUI News Update: Country Singer Randy Travis Pleads Guilty to DUI, Won’t Get Jail Time

If you’ve recently been arrested for driving under the influence in Long Beach, odds are that you’ve been too busy to read the celebrity gossip news. To fill you in… last summer, country singer Randy drove his Trans Am off the road in Tioga, Texas, smashed into barricades, and then…


Could This Distant Event Portend the End of Breathalyzer Tests in Glendale (And the Rest of Los Angeles)?

This Glendale DUI blog has long highlighted the shortcomings of breathalyzer tests. As we’ve reported on multiple occasions, most people (including the vast majority of police officers) have far more faith in these machines than the science and research warrant. Some police are now beginning to pay attention to this…


Pasadena DUI “News of the Weird”: Balloon Sniffer Hit with Bean Bags Out in Panorama City

Okay, this is a weird one — one of the strangest Pasadena DUI news stories of 2013, so far. According to, last Friday, police arrested a 22-year-old suspect in Panorama City for driving under the influence after a late morning slow speed chase. When the young driver pulled over,…


Was Your Child Recently Arrested for Driving Under the Influence in Long Beach (or Elsewhere)?

You’re a concerned parent whose child was recently charged with a DUI in Long Beach or elsewhere in Southern California. You’re likely feeling a destructive cocktail of emotions right now, including anger, confusion, frustration, and helplessness. You worked so hard to raise a child who would abide by the law.…


Long Beach DUI Debacle: Wrongfully Accused DUI Defendants File Class Action against Utah Trooper, Lisa Steed

In a recent piece we did on this Long Beach DUI blog several months ago, we discussed the peculiar case of Utah Highway Patrol trooper, Lisa Steed, who was fired in November for unfairly arresting innocent people on charges of driving under the influence. Steed had actually been named a…

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