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Articles Posted in DUI and Child Endangerment


What Happens to Parents Who Drive DUI with Their Kids in the Car?

Here in California, a single DUI can disrupt your life significantly. Even if you’ve been arrested for your first DUI, it can cost you fines, jail time and license suspension if you are convicted. However, if you were arrested for DUI with children in the car, your world is about…


So Your Teen Got a DUI…

It’s the call that no parent wants but too many of us receive. “Mom, Dad, I’m at the police station. I’ve been charged with DUI.” As you drive to pick up your wayward teen, your emotions range from relief that your child is safe to anger that she made such…


Searching For the Root Causes of Domestic Violence

In the United States, an average of 20 people a minute suffer physical abuse at the hands of a spouse or an intimate partner. That’s equal to more than 10 million men and women each year, according to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Although intimate partners of both sexes…


Accused DUI Driver In Jail After Failing Home Breath Test

Some drivers charged with DUI in Los Angeles have had a life-long struggle with alcohol. No matter what the consequences, they can’t stop drinking. Michelle Colby of Valparaiso, Indiana, may have such a problem. After making bail on a DUI charge stemming from a crash involving five children last April,…


Yikes: Driver Gets DUI with High School Students Onboard

You can be arrested for Los Angeles DUI whether you’re an out-of-state tourist tooling around in a rented convertible or a homegrown Angelino driving a car you’ve owned since high school. However, no matter what vehicle you drive, your legal problems will be significantly compounded if underage kids or teenagers…


Dramatic “Twofer” DUI Arrest Capture Nation’s Attention

Police officers may arrest multiple drivers for a Los Angeles DUI within a short period for time when they’re conducting sobriety check points, but it’s not as usual for them to nab two DUI drivers at a time at a traffic stop. When a Florida Highway Patrol officer pulled 31-year-old…


Educators Learn Firsthand [the Hard Way] About Los Angeles DUI Dangers

People charged with DUI in Los Angeles come from many different professions, including schoolteachers, college professors, principals and other educators. Since the public usually holds educators to a higher standard of behavior–they are supposed to be role models for our children–their arrests for DUI generally get a fair amount of…


DUI Driver Back In Jail After Violating Release Terms

Drivers convicted of a DUI in Los Angeles face a variety of penalties, including fines, loss of license and time in jail. A judge may show some leniency but usually reserves the right to reinstate punishments (including jail time) if the person violates the terms of parole. This summer, Carol…


Would You Buy a Popsicle From This Man? [Ice Cream Man DUI]

It’s hard to imagine police arresting your friendly neighborhood ice cream man for a DUI in Los Angeles. However, police officers in one Oregon city had to perform that not-so-sweet duty one day in early July. Residents of the Corneilus community had been accustomed to buying ice cream cones, popsicles…


How to Avoid Getting a Los Angeles DUI over Halloween

Intuitively, you might suspect that the numbers of Los Angeles DUI arrests spike during Halloween, simply because so many people take time off of work, drink spiked cider, and engage in goofy costume parties and parades. But while Los Angeles is home to some wild Halloween traditions, including the West…

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