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Articles Posted in dui defense


Life After DUI: True Stories of People Who Turned Their Lives Around

Between the embarrassment, the stigma and the uncertainty, a DUI arrest can be a traumatic experience in and of itself. The following days and weeks may offer little relief as you face the prospect of jail time, fines and license suspension—not to mention possibly jeopardizing your job if you can’t…


Everything You Wanted to Know about Scootering and DUI

Suppose you’re at a bar with some friends and you have a few drinks. You don’t feel exceptionally impaired, but you realize you’re probably not safe to drive home. You notice a scooter rental nearby and decide that might be a cheaper choice than springing for a cab or Uber.…


Celebrity DUI Roundup—Summer 2018 Edition

Getting arrested for DUI can be highly disruptive and embarrassing in itself—but imagine if your shortcomings made national headlines. By definition, famous people rely on publicity to keep them…famous. However, occasionally they get media attention for less than flattering reasons. Even so, we can always learn something from their stories,…


8 Ways to Make your DUI Arrest Vastly More Complicated and Painful than Necessary

You’re driving along a California highway, minding your own business, when you get pulled over by a police officer on suspicion of DUI. It can happen to anyone, even drivers who have had nothing to drink—but how you respond in this situation can make things far more difficult for you…


What Can Be Done to Reduce DUIs on a Societal Level—Without Resorting to Overly Punitive Measures? (Part 2)

Every 51 minutes, someone in the U.S. dies in an alcohol-related motor vehicle accident. Everyone—DUI defendants included!—agrees that we need to “do something” to dramatically reduce this number, but there’s no agreement on what that solution should be. Traditionally, our system has been heavy on the sticks, light on the…


DUI Driver Misses Chance for Chicken Dinner

The properties damaged by DUIs in Los Angeles can include everything from vehicles to homes to businesses and retail establishments. Sometimes a DUI driver will take out a neighborhood landmark, destroying a bar or a restaurant that’s a favorite with locals. Residents and regular visitors to Dewey Beach, Delaware, are…


Crusader for Tougher DUI Laws Faces DUI Charges

Most people charged with DUI in Los Angeles never intended to break the laws against driving while intoxicated. But one drink too many can cloud their judgment, and they get behind the wheel not understanding that they really shouldn’t be driving. Dr. Stephen Miller of Plymouth Township, Pennsylvania, may not…


Do Morgue Visits Deter Repeat Los Angeles DUI Arrests?

Would someone arrested for a DUI in Los Angeles be less likely to offend again if he/she had to go to the morgue to see someone killed by a DUI driver? In an article that appeared in Slade Magazine’s April 2016 issue, writer Hannah Waters reported on a program in…


Navy Hero [Who Claims He Killed Osama Bin Laden] Gets Nabbed For DUI

Police officers are not selective about who they arrest for DUI in Los Angeles and other cities. Celebrity, political figures—even people who have distinguished themselves for their courageous actions—may find themselves facing these charges. According to media reports, former Navy SEAL Rob O’Neill faces DUI charges in Montana after police…


Supreme Court Hears Arguments in DUI Cases

When a police officer suspects someone of DUI in Los Angeles, the officer will usually ask the driver to take a breathalyzer test. Under California Vehicle Code 23612, a driver who refuses could face fines, mandatory jail time and loss of license for a year if the court convicts him/her…

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