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Articles Posted in Long Beach DUI Defense Attorney


Interesting Long Beach DUI News: White House’s Nominee for Ambassadorship Hit for DUI!

What will be the negative repercussions of your Long Beach DUI arrest? The answer depends. If you get the charges cleared up and quickly rehabilitate your personal and professional life, the consequences could be minimal. Or not. Witness what just happened to 58-year-old Timothy Broas, a white collar defense attorney…


Driving Under the Influence of Marijuana in Long Beach: How NOT Do It

If you or someone you love was recently arrested for driving under the influence of marijuana in Long Beach or elsewhere in the Southland, odds are, you probably feel embarrassed — especially if you made certain decisions that, in retrospect, were careless or even stupid. Take some comfort in that…


You Think Your Long Beach DUI Arrest Was Bad: These Guys Strapped Their Kids to the Roof of a Car for an Alleged DUI Joyride!

Getting pulled over for a charge of a driving under the influence in Long Beach can be a shocking, terrifying experience. Even if you did nothing wrong – or the breathalyzer malfunctioned, or the police failed to follow proper procedure, or you can produce exonerating evidence – developing a good…


West Hollywood DUI Not the Only Driving Disaster for Actress Amanda Bynes

On April 6th, actress Amanda Bynes was arrested for driving under the influence in West Hollywood, after she banged into cop car while driving erratically. In retrospect, the warning signs were there. Back in March, Bynes got in trouble for fleeing a police officer, who had stopped her for chatting…


A Long Beach DUI Debate: Was Korn Drummer DUI…Or Just Drowsy Behind the Wheel?

Some instances of driving under the influence in Long Beach are pretty cut and dry. It’s obvious to everyone involved – not only to the police but also to the driver himself – that grave wrongs were committed. Other times… not so much. Last week, Korn’s ex drummer, David Silveria,…


Long Beach DUI Lessons: Mets’ Catcher’s DUI Rollover Holds Clues for Defendants

If you recently got stopped for driving under the influence (DUI) in Long Beach – or got into a serious accident while DUI (or allegedly DUI), your life likely feels rather out of control right now. It can be useful to take a look at relevant DUI news items to…


Long Beach DUI Multiple Offender? Not Necessarily a Problem: Ask Rodney King

If you got arrested and convicted more than once for a crime like DUI in Long Beach, your prospects may be grim, indeed. Prosecutors like to “throw the book” at so called recidivists – people who commit the same crimes more than one time. As any Los Angeles DUI attorney…


How Many Long Beach DUI Arrests Does It Take to Make the National News Headlines?

If you’re tagged for driving under the influence in Long Beach one time or twice, your story likely won’t make the AP,, or any other high-profile media outlet. Unless, of course, there is something extravagant or strange about your arrest—you are a celebrity, a politician, you drove a lawnmower…


481 Long Beach DUI Convictions?? Not That Many, but Still a Ridiculously Large Number…

How many Long Beach DUI convictions should a person be allowed to rack up before that person is removed permanently from society? This is not a purely theoretical question. In fact, a Bloomingdale, Indiana man, 49-year-old William Dietrich, was sentenced last Monday with two decades behind bars for his 11th…


Hidden Long Beach DUI Penalties Could Be Worse Than Jail Itself

In a recent blog post, we enumerated the many unpleasant, repugnant penalties for Long Beach DUI. We won’t belabor them again, but they include jail time, massive fines, probation, mandatory installation of an IID, alcohol school, etc. But is that really the worst of it? In the worst-case scenario, you…

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