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Articles Posted in DUI Near USC or UCLA


When Someone You Love Refuses to Get Help After a Long Beach DUI

You are at your wits’ end and also very sad. Someone you love dearly recently got arrested for DUI in Long Beach, and that person — at least to you — seems to be living in denial. As you are no doubt aware, after you get arrested and charged according…


Finding Empowerment After Your Burbank DUI

Your recent Burbank DUI arrest has proven to you, beyond all doubt, one thing: namely, that you are powerless over the effects of alcohol. Or at least so you believe. Narcotics, alcohol, and other substances can cause otherwise rational, compassionate, good citizens to engage in all sorts of wild and…


Fatal Malibu DUI Disaster: Woman Kills Tow Truck Driver and Leaves the Scene…

A woman faces felony hit and run charges for a fatal Malibu DUI crash that took the life of 40-year old tow truck driver. According to local reports from KABC, the woman hit the driver, who was rendering aid to a stranded vehicle. She then fled the scene. She made…


Parallels Between Your Long Beach DUI Arrest and the Meteorite That Blew Up Over Russia’s Ural Mountains

Why on Earth would you want to waste time reading or thinking about a meteorite explosion, when you have a serious Long Beach DUI charge on your hands, and your freedom and future literally hang in the balance? There’s a good reason why. Many defendants, who face charges like driving…


What Beverly Hills DUI Arrest Is This for You? First? Second? This Guy Just Got His 14th!

Whether you got pulled over for your first-ever Beverly Hills DUI on Wilshire & Rodeo after a tony film industry soirée; or you just racked up your second or third DUI within 10 years, consider yourself fortunate that you are not 55-year-old William Grussing. The Montana man was just sentenced…


How Playing Tetris Too Much is (Kinda Sorta) Like Getting into a DUI Crash in Los Angeles

If you’ve recently been in a DUI crash in Los Angeles, the memories of the disaster have likely seared their way into your brain. When you close your eyes at night, you may re-imagine your DUI arrest in L.A. in vivid detail, particularly if you got seriously hurt or hurt…


Your Second Pasadena DUI: Bad Luck or Warning Sign?

When you got arrested the first time for driving under the influence in Pasadena, you wrote if off as a fluke. Perhaps you had one too many drinks while chilling with old college friends at the Cheesecake Factory in Old Pasadena. Or maybe you had a few glasses of wine…


Vivid Illustration of Why Beverly Hill DUIs Do Not Happen in the Vacuum: Woman Busted for Hit-and-Run and DUI After Police See Her Hit a Car with 10-Month Old in it …

If you’ve been arrested for driving under the influence in Beverly Hills (or elsewhere in Southern California), you might be inclined to think that your incident was an isolated one — i.e., it had no relationship to your history, habits, behaviors, beliefs, etc. You might want to reconsider that belief.…


Pasadena DUI “News of the Weird”: Balloon Sniffer Hit with Bean Bags Out in Panorama City

Okay, this is a weird one — one of the strangest Pasadena DUI news stories of 2013, so far. According to, last Friday, police arrested a 22-year-old suspect in Panorama City for driving under the influence after a late morning slow speed chase. When the young driver pulled over,…


Are We Making Progress? Number of Los Angeles DUIs Over the Holiday Season Down from 2011 Numbers…

Statistics compiled by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and California Highway Patrol spell good news: the number of Los Angeles DUI arrests over the holiday season dropped substantially from the 2011 numbers. The stats are still pretty staggering, but they mark a step in the right direction. Here are…

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