Articles Tagged with criminal threats

pexels-tara-winstead-8378740-200x300Facing accusations of domestic violence can be an overwhelming and bewildering experience on its own–even more so if you are unsure of how your own behaviors escalated to aggression. Whether you’re charged with simple domestic battery or criminal threats, you may be completely baffled as to how or why you seemingly lose control during disagreements with your significant other.

In such cases, it’s easy to blame yourself or think of yourself as just a “bad person,” but in many cases, there could be underlying factors you haven’t considered–such as mental illness. If so, you wouldn’t be alone: at least one in five people suffer from mental health issues–and those are just the ones we know about. Experts believe millions of people live with undiagnosed mental illnesses that can affect behavior and emotional regulation. When left unaddressed, these conditions can sometimes contribute to situations of domestic violence, not as an excuse but as an explanation that can lead to a better understanding and management of one’s actions.

In California, as in many other places, the conversation around mental health is growing, yet stigma and lack of awareness still prevent many from seeking the help they need. Understanding that you are not alone and millions share similar struggles can be the first step toward healing and change.

kelly-sikkema-1YeQl23dvJI-unsplash-200x300Facing charges of domestic violence in California is a profoundly serious matter that can impact every facet of your life—from your personal relationships to your standing in the community and future employment opportunities. The legal process that follows such accusations is fraught with emotional and legal complexities, not the least of which is facing your accuser inside a courtroom. 

Since most domestic violence cases involve intimate partners, there’s a strong likelihood that your accuser is someone you love or once loved. The rules of engagement with this individual are vastly different inside the courtroom than they were in your home. Understanding how to navigate these challenges with dignity, respect, and a clear head is crucial to ensuring you receive the best resolution possible for your case.

Understanding the Legal Implications of Domestic Violence Accusations

Domestic-Violence-Charges-210x300It’s a scenario that can be both surprising and shocking. You have a verbal disagreement with your spouse or domestic partner (as most couples do). Emotions get heated, and you say some things you shouldn’t have said—and maybe didn’t mean. Someone observes the argument and calls the cops—or maybe your partner makes the call herself. A short time later, you get a visit from the police and find yourself arrested on charges of domestic violence or accused of making criminal threats—even though you never physically touched your spouse!

How could this happen? Could you actually be convicted of domestic violence under these circumstances? Theoretically, you could—especially if your heated exchange included verbal threats. Let’s talk about how California law views emotional abuse as part of domestic violence and when heated words might cross the line into a criminal act.

Emotional Abuse and Domestic Violence

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