Articles Posted in DUI Field Sobriety Tests

You just bought a new iPhone 5 — you want to immerse yourself in your new toy, not dwell on something somber, like Burbank DUI law. iphone-5-burbank-dui-distraction.jpg

But understand that cell phones and other personal digital devices can not only endanger your life (and the lives of other motorists) but the can also complicate your Southern California driving under the influence charges, especially if you hurt someone in a crash.

The iPhone 5 offers a fantastic bevy of features and updates – even if it isn’t as revolutionary and paradigm shifting as some of Apple’s other offerings from the past 5 to 10 years. There is a time and a place to explore those innovations. But behind the wheel is not that time or place!

In fact, if you text or update social media sites or “explore new apps” while driving, your risk for getting into an injury accident spikes substantially. In fact, research out of places like Virginia Tech and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration suggests that people who text while driving are actually more dangerous than people who drive under the influence in Burbank and elsewhere.

The basic problem
When your attention is elsewhere – i.e., not on the road – your reaction time slows down.

We’re all used to the concept of “multi-tasking.” But humans did not evolve to multi-task. If you are typing in a number or a snarky tweet, your full attention is not on the road. Most of the time, that won’t matter. But if you have to make a sudden stop or deceleration or acceleration, you might lose several milliseconds – or even full seconds! – on your reaction time. And that loss of time can mean the difference between a safe trip home and a life ending catastrophe.

For instance, some studies suggest that steering capability decreases by over 90% when you text on your iPhone 5 (or other device). Another famous study out of Virginia Tech said that your risk of crashing increases by over 20 times (!!) when you text. Yet other research suggests that someone who is above the Burbank legal limit for DUI (0.08%) will have a reaction time decreased by around 12%; whereas a texting driver will have a reaction time decreased by 35%.

A big difference!

Driving under the influence and texting simultaneously can lead to DUI with distraction.

When you combine DUI with texting, you can create a super lethal cocktail – and you can also get into extra trouble with the law. Both DUI and texting/dialing your iPhone 5 can impede your reaction time and general thought process – but it’s unclear just exactly how much more dangerous this cocktail of behaviors might be.

Are the risks just additive? In other words… say your risk for getting into an accident increases by 10% if you text and 5% if you drive DUI. Does that mean your overall risk increases by 15% when you combine those behaviors? Or does the combination actually jack up your risk even more – by, say, 30%? Nobody knows, since science on the subject is pretty new.

Getting help
The team here at Burbank’s Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers can help you understand what you need to do to battle back against your charges, whether you have been hit with a DUI while distracted in Burbank charge or other DUI charges. Attorney Kraut is a former city prosecutor, and he can leverage his connections, intuition, and knowledge of the law to help you greatly.

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No one wants to get charged with Long Beach DUI – or DUI anywhere in Southern California, for that matter. But if you’ve just recently bought a new iPhone 5, and you are drooling over the awesome features and making fun of your friends who still have “dinosaur” iPhones – it might behoove you to engage in a little prophylaxis. distracted_driving-long-beach-dui-iphone-5.jpg

As we talked about in our last blog post, people who text or otherwise manipulate their iPhone 5s while driving – particularly while driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs – are at a highly elevated risk for causing accidents and injuries. To prevent disaster — or to clean up your act after you’ve been charged with Los Angeles DUI — consider these tips for enjoying your iPhone 5 safely:

1. Shut off the phone – and the ringer – for short trips.

You need your iPhone 5 with you to provide an emergency communications channel for your family. But if you’re just hopping in the car for a short jaunt down the 405 — which means that you must be driving in middle of the night, since that’s the only time when the 405 is not log jammed with perpetual sig-alerts! — just turn off the phone. Don’t give yourself the temptation to check your phone or hear a call. Rip the band-aid off.

2. Track your “near misses.”

If you’ve become addicted to texting while driving or chatting on the phone while driving — and you know it’s time to stop before you get hit with a driving DUI while distracted in Long Beach charge — then start to notice/track your bad habits. Any time you catch yourself checking your phone — or even getting the urge to check your phone! — make a mental note, and then write in a journal afterwards about the experience. Get to understand yourself. Without appropriate self-knowledge – into your behaviors, habits, and yearnings – you’re going to be fighting an uphill battle. Pay attention to the triggers that drive you to make dangerous choices, and figure out how to deal with those triggers before you even get behind the wheel.

3. If you’ve gotten into a car crash while DUI in Long Beach or while texting, now is the time to begin to change your ways.

Yes, some damage might have been done – and you might have even caused injuries or damage. And, yes, you may inevitably have to face penalties, such as fines and fees, license suspension, insurance rate bumps, and even jail time. But you can choose to learn lessons from your experience and thus become a safer driver and a better Long Beach citizen.

You don’t have to go through this by yourself!

Connect with the team here at the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers in Long Beach for powerful assistance. Attorney Michael Kraut is a former prosecutor and well respected Long Beach DUI criminal defense lawyer. Get in touch with him and his team to coordinate an appropriate strategy.

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Last Monday, hip-hop icon Bobby Brown pled not guilty to charges of driving under the influence in Los Angeles and additional charges stemming from his March 26th arrest. On top of driving DUI, Brown got slapped with driving under a suspended license and driving with an illegal BAC content. As regular readers of this blog know, the limit for driving under the influence in Los Angeles, per California Vehicle Section 23152(B), is 0.08%. bobby-brown-dui-in-los-angeles.jpg

(Interesting and random note! Did you know that sleep researchers in Australia found that people who stay awake for 24 hours or longer may be as impaired behind the wheel as are people who drive with a 0.10% BAC?!)

Getting back to the main story… Bobby Brown has obviously had a hard 2012. His ex-wife, Whitney Houston, died, and he could serve half a year behind bars if he gets convicted. Brown’s pretrial hearing has been scheduled for May 16th. In the meantime, he is forbidden from drinking alcohol. His Los Angeles DUI attorney tried to get that requirement dropped – to no avail.

Brown allegedly blew a 0.12&% BAC on his Los Angeles DUI breathalyzer test – one and a half times the state’s legal limit.

California Highway Patrol got suspicious when they saw Brown yapping on his cell phone while driving (never a good idea). He allegedly exhibited classic symptoms of Los Angeles DUI (such as smelling like alcohol) and he also performed less than stellarly on his field sobriety tests.

Having said all that, be aware that Los Angeles field sobriety tests can be scary and confusing… even for stone cold sober drivers. So just because you can’t “walk the line” or balance correctly does not mean that you are under the influence or you should be punished. Conversely, it’s very possible to be under the influence of alcohol – to have a high BAC, for instance — and to pass your field sobriety tests with flying colors.

In other words, DUI charges are not as cut and dry as the tabloids would make them sound. Yes, there are certain instances where it’s pretty obvious that the driver has done not just one but many stupid things behind the wheel, and he almost certainly will face punishment.

That being said, every case is different. Fortunately, a responsible and highly astute Los Angeles DUI criminal defense attorney at the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers can help you understand your rights and fight for justice – whether you are a high profile celebrity like Brown, a UCLA or USC student stopped at checkpoint on the 5, or someone who got arrested for DUI while visiting the City of Angels. Connect with the Harvard Law School educated former prosecutor Kraut now to get powerful results to protect your rights.

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If you failed a breathalyzer and got arrested for driving under the influence in Burbank or elsewhere in the Southland, odds are you are beating yourself up right now. You’re scrambling to figure out how your life will change once your California driver’s license is stripped away, you’re forced to pay massive fines and spiked insurance rates, and you’re compelled by law to serve jail time.burbank-breath-test.jpg

Before you continue dreaming up “worst case scenarios,” it may be worth it to take a breath (no pun intended) and learn a little bit about the potentially flawed and contaminated science behind Burbank DUI breathalyzer tests.

Many Questions, Surprisingly Feeble Rebuttals
1. The “lung volume” problem.

The volume of air that you expel from your lungs depends on a slate of factors. Are you a man or a woman? Did you take a big breath or a shallow one? Often, police officers will ask you to take a deep breath before a breathalyzer to yield a higher BAC rating.

2. The “diversity of metabolism” problem.

Every person’s biochemistry is different. We have different metabolisms. Our blood vessels dilate differently. We absorb alcohol at different rates in different situations. Our bronchial tubes are different — this fact, too, can impact the rate at which the alcohol permeates into the sample. Our “blood breath” ratio can vary widely, depending on temperature, genetics, and other factors. Most breathalyzers are rudimentary, simple tools — not great for dealing with the massive complexity of the human body.

3. Prominent researchers’ concerns are un-refuted.

Researchers like A.W. Jones, Kurt Dubowski and Michael Hlastala — widely recognized authorities in alcohol breath testing — have pointed out many flaws in the common methodologies. Dr. Kurt Dubowski, a decorated member of the National Safety Council’s Committee on Alcohol and Other Drugs (CAOD) and recipient of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences’ top honor, has been a vocal critic of breathalyzer thinking. In one paper, Dr. Dubowski argued that time curves for blood alcohol can vary widely: most people assume that alcohol gets absorbed within 60-90 minutes, but the science tells us this is just not true.

An Isolated Example of “Junk Science”?

As any Los Angeles DUI lawyer will take you, most Burbank DUI defendants automatically assume that breathalyzer results must be “true” or at least probably valid because these tests are so ubiquitous and popular. If they didn’t work, why do so many police still use them? If the science is so bad and ambiguous – as this blog article and many other sources have argued – then why has there not been more of an uproar?

The answer has to do, probably, with human groupthink. Indeed, there is evidence in a surprisingly diverse number of fields that junk science may be the norm. It could impact fields as far ranging as climate science, diet and nutrition science, and even particle physics.

Of course, you are probably less interested in saving the world than in figuring out what to do about your Burbank DUI. To that end, connect with a Burbank DUI criminal defense attorney at the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers (2600 West Olive Avenue, 5th Floor, Burbank, California 91505 Phone: (818) 563-9810) to get a free and comprehensive consultation to find your best defense strategy.

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The typical Glendale DUI defendant often has a lot to complain about. Sketchy police behavior, a daunting bureaucracy, and less than sympathetic colleagues and family members can make your situation more complicated and fraught than it already is. However, the real problem may lie even deeper.glendale-DUI-treatment.jpg

Say you have substance abuse issues. You might diagnose yourself as “addicted” to substances like alcohol, narcotics, pain killers, prescription drugs, et cetera. So the question of whether you’re being “treated fairly” has a double meaning. Are you being “treated fairly” by the Los Angeles DUI defense system? Are you being “treated fairly” for Glendale DUI rehab?

Addiction: Caused by Powerlessness… or a Misplaced Attempt to Empower?

As any Los Angeles DUI attorney will tell you, the dominant treatment for drug and alcohol addiction is the 12 step program. One animating principle behind this approach is that addicts must admit that they are “powerless” over drugs and alcohol to regain control. Most treatment approaches build off this assumption. We believe that behaviors like drinking too much or eating too much or doing anything else in excess stem from impulse control. Unless you acknowledge that you are “acting out” in a destructive way – and work towards suppressing that “acting out” – you’ll likely fail to get your problems under control.

The bottom line: you’re likely to become a Glendale DUI recidivist. As we have talked before on this blog, the more times you get arrested for Glendale DUI, the more trouble you can get into – a person who gets a third misdemeanor conviction within 10 years, for instance, can see their charges bumped from misdemeanor to felony.

An alternate point of view suggests that addictive behaviors are rooted in our need for empowerment. Think back to the last time you “craved” a drink or a smoke or even some time to play video games on the internet. Odds are, you probably had an unhappy or frustrating thought prior to that impulse. Maybe you fought with your boss or spouse. Or maybe you got cut off in traffic.

Once you make the decision to have a drink — to do the addictive behavior — you automatically start to feel better. Taking this action reestablishes your sense of power and control over your life. Think about what that means! You are inspired to take these destructive actions because you need MORE power over your life – not less! Thus, treatment approaches rooted in trying to strip you or your power are going to encounter resistance, since they’re approaching the situation backwards. You need better STRATEGIES for finding how to get/maintain control that don’t involve alcohol or dangerous substances or behaviors.

For help dealing with a charge like driving under the influence in Glendale, connect with a prominent Los Angeles DUI criminal defense attorney at the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers (121 W Lexington Dr, Glendale, CA 91203 Phone: (818) 507-9123 ) now.

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Celebrities often do awful, and awfully crazy, things. In 2011, we saw some crazy and scary Beverly Hills DUI stories. In this post, we will review four of the year’s most scandalous celebrity moments.lindsay-lohan-beverly-hills-dui.jpg

1. Lindsay Lohan – Still Reeling from Her 2007 Los Angeles DUI
Unless you were living under a rock, you tuned into the Lindsay Lohan’s seemingly never-ending Los Angeles DUI probation violation saga. Ms. Lohan’s 2011 got off to a bad start on January 22, when she allegedly pilfered a necklace worth $2,500 from a store in Venice. She pleaded not guilty to the resultant felony grand theft charge, but the karmic dye had been cast for Ms. Lohan in 2011, and she proceeded to make headline after headline: she violated her probation, got sentenced, made tearful appeals, etc. Then she made headlines once again by agreeing to pose nude in Playboy for nearly $1 million. Her father, meanwhile, got arrested twice in one week for domestic violence charges.

Altogether, not a great scene for the Lohans in 2011.

2. Christina Aguilera – Watches as Her Boyfriend Gets Tagged for DUI
2011 was not a great year for pop princesses, was it?

On March 1, Christina Aguilera was arrested for public intoxication, while her boyfriend was tagged for DUI. Aguilera had come off of a rough 2010, but she rebounded magnificently in the latter half of 2011, thanks in part to her widely successful TV vehicle, The Voice. It goes to show that Beverly Hills DUI does not commit you to certain and permanent debauchery
3. Estella Warren’s Hit and Run DUI (with a Bit of Cop Kicking Thrown in There As Well)

Estella Warren, an actress in Planet of the Apes, was arrested for DUI back in May. She allegedly resisted arrest and kicked the cop who tried to handcuff her. Warren smashed her Prius into three separate cars and then drove away from the scene. All told, she got hit with charges of assault, felony escape, hit and run, and DUI.

4. Charlie Sheen – Not Busted for Beverly Hills DUI, but Might As Well Have Been
2011 was the year of Charlie Sheen’s epic, magnificent public meltdown. The year started out crazy, when Sheen was arrested after trashing his Las Vegas hotel room and partying with an adult film star. Charlie thus began a headline-grabbing rampage that included getting fired from Two and a Half Men after calling his boss “a contaminated maggot” among other things and then waxing similarly poetic (and vitriolic) about everyone from his ex-wife to Alcoholics Anonymous to Thomas Jefferson.

If you were arrested for driving under the influence in Beverly Hills in 2011, connect with a respected, highly successful Beverly Hills DUI criminal defense attorney at the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers (9107 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 450, Beverly Hills, California 90210 Phone: (310) 550-6935). Attorney Michael Kraut is a former prosecutor with a terrific record at jury trials.

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New Year’s Eve is possibly the most dangerous day of the year for Pasadena DUI accidents and injuries. Revelers intoxicated on champagne (and who knows what else) will no doubt be populating roads like the 5, the 210, and California Boulevard, and threatening their own lives as well as the lives of everyone else out there. 2012-new-years-eve-dui-pasadena.jpg

You obviously want to protect yourself against the possibility of being arrested and charged and ultimately convicted for Pasadena DUI on New Year’s Eve. Not only would such a charge seriously ruin your evening, but your whole outlook on the New Year would be different. Your affirmations for the New Year could go from getting a new company off the ground or finding love to simply avoiding jail time.

A Pasadena DUI arrest or conviction would seriously throw off your 2012 game plans.

So, how can you protect yourself against this? If you Google around and read self-help literature, the answers seem easy enough: find a designated driver, know your limits, and if you do plan on drinking, avoid getting behind the wheel, etc.

Many people who know these rules – and have them branded onto their brains – nevertheless make mistakes at the 11th hour (literally) and still get behind the wheel and drive DUI. Why? Possibly because they do not pre-think their actions and behaviors!

If you are in a sober state of mind, you might say “of course, I would never drive DUI in Pasadena, that would be stupid.” However, if you are out partying with friends, and you want to keep up with the action, and the next party is at a bar just two blocks away… common sense and good judgment can be derailed by the circumstances and surroundings.

To protect yourself, “pre-think” yourself into safety.

What might you say or do that could throw off your plan to drive safely this New Year’s Eve? Why might you be tempted to get behind the wheel after “only having a few drinks”?

You don’t have to spend 20 minutes doing this exercise. Just spend 5 minutes. Just take the time now, before you go out, to review your common triggers – triggers to misbehave, to do things that you regret in the morning, etc. – and make a conscious, specific effort to avoid doing those this year. If you don’t trust yourself, write down these affirmations, and carry them on a little piece of paper or as a cell phone memo – a message from your wiser, more sober self to your more impulsive id-driven self to behave and avoid doing dumb things.

Of course, best intentions aside, mistakes happen. If you need a qualified Pasadena DUI criminal defense attorney, turn to Michael Kraut with the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers (790 East Colorado Boulevard, 9th floor, Pasadena, California 91101 Phone: (626) 345-1899). Attorney Kraut is a former prosecutor with 14-plus years of experience as a former Deputy District Attorney. He is Harvard Law School educated. He is well respected as a Pasadena DUI expert by institutions like KTLA, the Los Angeles Times, Fox News, etc.

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If you got arrested for driving under the influence in Pasadena or elsewhere in the Southland, what would your mug shot look like? excited-to-get-pasadena-dui.jpg

Would you be happy and smiling? Would you be giving “two thumbs up” to the photographer who snapped your Pasadena DUI mug shot?

Probably not.

How, then, can we explain the grinning mugshot of 24-year-old Michelle Watson, a driver busted for DUI last week in Prescott, AZ? During the arrest, she “shoved one police officer and kneed a second in the crotch during a profanity laced battle.”

According to reports from, Watson shouted to a police officer “I don’t have to walk f——- anywhere,” moments before she was tagged for DUI super extreme, after blowing a BAC more than three times the legal limit. She also faces charges of resisting arrest and aggravated assault.

Nevertheless, when the time came for Ms. Watson to take her mug shot at the local county jail, she “flashed a grin and two big thumbs up” for the cops.

Strange, isn’t it?

The first reaction that comes to mind is: she can’t REALLY be happy, can she?

After all, who would want to face Pasadena DUI penalties? These range from the mundane but annoying — loss of driver’s license, mandatory interlock ignition device in your vehicle, etc. — to scary and life-changing — potentially years in prison, if you committed an injury Pasadena DUI.

Of course, it could be that some Pasadena DUI defendants genuinely enjoy pushing the limits of the law and flouting the system. However, even a cursory analysis — and a dose of common sense — suggests that something’s going on underneath the surface here.

Lurking under Ms. Watson’s gleeful mug shot photo is almost certainly deep pain. Without access to her life story and inner monologue, one can only speculate about what that pain might be. However, even if we can’t ascertain her intentions, when you consider that deeper underlying factors might be involved, you can’t help but feel more sympathetic and compassionate.

For help planning your Pasadena DUI defense, connect with the team here at the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers (790 East Colorado Boulevard, 9th floor, Pasadena, California 91101 Phone: (626) 345-1899 ). Attorney Michael Kraut is an experienced, accomplished Pasadena criminal defense attorney. He is a Harvard Law School educated former prosecutor, who can help you plan a stiff defense.

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Whether you got arrested on the way home from a birthday party at the Glendale Galleria, or you got tagged for driving under the influence in Glendale on a clogged Southern California freeway during the throes of one of the Southland’s notorious Sig Alerts, chances are, your memories of what happened with the police are emotional, possibly blurry, and certainly painful and uncomfortable. glendale-field-sobriety-test.jpg

Most DUI drivers (fortunately) only have to experience field sobriety tests, PAS tests, and difficult police officer questions once or twice in their lives. That is certainly more than enough for most people. However, the “lack of practice” we have in terms of managing the ultra stressful situation of being put through the paces of FSTs and breathalyzer tests or blood tests, intense officer questioning, and the like can redound to negative effect for our ability to cope.

Glendale DUI suspects, often out of sheer naivety, fail to take simple actions that could protect their rights, get charges dismissed, and preserve and protect their reputations, driver’s licenses and good insurance rates.

Why are Glendale field sobriety tests so vexing and so potentially unfair?

Here are just a few speculative reasons:

Easy to confuse “learning related stumbling” with “DUI related stumbling.”

Most of us do not sit at home, practicing how to walk a straight line, counting backwards by 3, or saying the alphabet backwards. In fact, chances are, if you put yourself through field sobriety tests in your own kitchen or office or wherever you are now, you would stutter, stumble, and fumble around a bit because these activities are unfamiliar to you. This is normal human learning behavior –we learn by trial and error. Unfortunately, these normal-learning-related fumbles and stumbles and mumbles can easily be confused for DUI-related coordination problems.

Distractions abound.

Suspects don’t take Glendale field sobriety tests in a vacuum. They are bombarded by stimuli, including police officers (sometimes several) watching your every move, traffic roaring by, lights, sirens, etc. All these distractions make it harder to concentrate.

Emotional/stress reactions to the DUI stop itself.

Even a stone cold sober driver stopped and put through FSTs will undoubtedly experience soaring and crashing emotions, including stress reactions, anxiety, fear, anger, and other states of mind. These emotional reactions can also interfere with your ability to “pass” these tests.

Officer subjectivity.

Field sobriety tests are not like SAT tests, in that one can’t really ever standardize results because of all the variables involved. So, officer subjectivity undoubtedly plays an enormous role in terms of the diagnosis “DUI or not DUI”. Even officers who ostensibly try to play by the book – who seek to be as scientific and objective as possible – are no doubt heavily influenced by their biases, moods, perspective on the tests, and so forth.

All this is to say that if you failed your Glendale FSTs, it might behoove you to seek counsel from a respected, experienced Glendale criminal defense attorney. Connect today with Michael Kraut of the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers in Glendale (121 W Lexington Dr, Glendale, CA 91203 Phone: (818) 507-9123). Come up with a strategic plan of action, and protect your rights and resources. Attorney Kraut is a veteran former prosecutor with a Harvard Law School education and a terrific reputation among his legal peers (including prosecutors and judges).

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If you got arrested after failing a Burbank DUI breathalyzer test – blowing significantly over the legal limit of 0.08% BAC, for instance – you may feel sour, sad, and scared that the breathalyzer test failure will doom you to a lengthy prison sentence? Now that you’ve been “tarred and feathered” as a DUI driver, will your insurance rates go to the roof? What will your friends, family and colleagues think about you now? Etc, etc.Intoxilyzer-8000-results-thrown-out.jpg

Before you go down this rabbit hole of fear and catastrophic thinking, pull out of your nose dive for a minute and consider a very curious story out of Manatee County, Florida, of all places. According to a local Florida paper, the Bradenton Herald, “prosecutors in Manatee County have decided not to use the alcohol breath test results from one or two local intoxilyzer 8000 machines, saying the volume of blown air wasn’t accurately measured.”

In other words, the machines screwed up!

And the “positive” DUI readings the machines collected are no longer valid as evidence!

As a Division Chief in the Florida State Attorney’s Office noted, “it was the right thing for the integrity of the pending cases to not use the breath results.” Not all analysts agreed with the decision to throw out the breath test results. A spokesperson for the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Heather Smith, countered that “the volume is separate and independent from the subject’s alcohol content results … the amount of breath you blow cannot result in a higher or lower alcohol content reading.”

We will leave it to the reader to find the holes in Ms. Smith’s reasoning here. But let’s not get lost in the minutiae of the case – Florida officials already believe that the problem has been solved and the machines are now “fixed,” back in action, ready to help officers tag DUI drivers.

The greater point here is that Burbank DUI breathalyzer tests may not be as “bullet proof” as the common driver assumes they are. As this blog has documented many times over, breathalyzer tests can be corrupted by a diverse array of factors, including:

• Whether you are a man or woman;
• Whether you are a diabetic, or on a special ketogenic diet;
• How deeply you blow into the machines (Ms. Smith’s protestations to the contrary, notwithstanding);
• Calibration or officer reading errors;
• Sample contamination;
• etc, etc.

A Burbank DUI defense attorney, such as a Michael Kraut of San Fernando Valley’s Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers (2600 West Olive Avenue, 5th Floor, Burbank, California 91505 Phone: (818) 563-9810), can help you understand the charges you face, figure out what to do about them, and resolve any questions, concerns, or fears you have regarding your situation and legal prognosis.

Attorney Kraut is a former prosecutor for the city. He is often called upon by major media institutions to provide expert analysis on Burbank DUI matters.

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